Find out how we’ll be able to offer people a place they can call home in Bali at a low, long-term cost and minimal time commitment while empowering local women.

Millions of visitors come to Bali every year . . . . many of them wonder, “How can I live there???” 

We wondered the same thing after a growing frustration of the housing market in Denver and political climate brewing in the U.S.

So, we moved to Bali in January 2018 because we needed a change and wanted an environment for our son, Sekai, to grow up where children are cherished, and where we could make our money go further. 

While not many will be like us and want to make it their home, we know so many who’ve been called to make this beautiful island a part-time home or dream to have a place to come back to that they can call their own, year-after-year. 

But, they get immobilized by fear of the unknown so nothing moves forward.

L to R: Nova, Jinju, and Sekai

L to R: Nova, Jinju, and Sekai

We discovered that, for obvious reasons, they were stuck because of one or many of the following: 

  • They had no idea how or where to start, and whom to start with 

  • While they may have friends in Bali, they still had to be in the country often enough to manage the process, and that’s not possible with a full-time job or family 

  • They believed that it would still cost a lot of money to have a home in an exotic location 

  • Whom can they trust to help them navigate through the Indonesian land ownership laws and establish relationships with the local Balinese? 

As it turns out, there’s a simple solution which can help solve many, if not, all of these issues. 

To find how we’re creating this solution, or model, for those who’ve had this dream or calling which will give them a place they can call home, without breaking the bank, in one of the most popular (but secluded) areas in Bali, while giving back to the local community . . . .

. . . . watch the FREE video below.

In Part 1 of this presentation (13 min), you’ll learn about the:

  • opportunity

  • vision

  • location

  • design

  • stewardship fee

After watching the video, if you’re interested in talking further, then fill out the form below and we’ll contact you to set up an Alignment Session where we’ll ask and answer each other’s questions to see if it makes sense to proceed to Part 2.

This is the part where we’ll share more detailed designs and information about the project.

We know this won’t be for everyone as we’re only looking for 3 - 4 more stewards (we already have 1 couple who’s joined).

By the end, you’ll see how it’s entirely possible to have a place to call home in Bali year-after-year for less money than you can imagine . . . . without the headache and time commitment it would take if you did it all on your own. 

This process won’t be us trying to sell you something - neither do we have the time nor desire to do that.

You’ll either want to be part of this community . . . . or you won’t.  

What matters to us is calling in the right people to be part of this vision since we’ll all be stewards of this wonderful land.

1) BE SURE TO WATCH this free, informational video:

2) After watching in its entirety, Please fill out the application below for an alignment session (you must be qualified to be considered for part 2):