NeuroSomatic Flow Sacred Scholarship Papers

The following are research papers submitted by NSF teachers.

Resham Pursani Resham Pursani

Cultivate Authenticity Through Dance

We live in a world that rewards flawless masks. In the “rat-race” of life, people are continually struggling and competing to be better, earn more and rely on other people or even technology to feel loved and affirmed . . . .

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Sarah Wegelin Sarah Wegelin

The Dance of the Cosmos 

How the flow arts ~ dancing with poi ~ symbolizes the flow of the universe and sparks joyful energy, and  wires new pathways, among those who participate in that dance. 

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Kiki Mason Kiki Mason

Creating Community with Group Flow

One of my missions in life is to create community. To offer a healing space for myself and for others to feel safe, accepted, seen and heard. A close friend, upon dis- cussing community building offered me this phrase, “to know and be known” . . . .

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Jinju Jinju

Heart Coherence: Social And Global Implications

As knowledge and understanding of the human body advances, we have learned that there is more than one intelligent organ. Patients of heart transplants have been shown to inherit cellular memories from their donors, reporting changes in tastes, personalities, and even emotional memories.

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