Peru Revelations

A trip of a lifetime! We share the magic of this epic transformational journey in this little documentary. A group of us from Colorado along with several others from all around the country headed to Peru on Sept, 5, 2008, with hearts full of hope for healing, and suitcases full of school supplies and gifts for school children and orphans. Hope you enjoy the beauty of the culture, fauna and flora of the Amazonian rain forests in Peru! (continued below) 

Jinju's Personal Revelation:

Immediately after completing my doctoral program in neuroscience in 2006, I embarked on this month-long journey through Peru for an up close and personal introduction to a culture in which spirituality and healing go hand in hand. The journey began deep in the Amazonian rainforest where we had the opportunity to work with and learn from medicine men native to the area. I was there with a group of about ten, many of whom were healers and many who were there for healing. Much of the time was spent cleansing our bodies and quieting our minds through a special diet, daily meditation, and several healing ceremonies. While there, I learned about various medicinal plants and walked away with a newfound appreciation for a rainforest that serves as the largest natural pharmacy in the world.

What was equally impressive was how well these medicine men knew their pharmacy. What struck me the most, however, is the sacred manner in which they gather, prepare, and administer the drugs. I couldn’t help imagining what it would be like if pharmacists, physicians, and researchers in modern societies used some sacred form of intent with all the substances that went from their hands out to a patient or administered to a laboratory animal. All the rituals, so genuinely channeled from the heart and soul, has had me exploring and embracing the role of intention and the power of our thoughts in healing, ever since.

One of my greatest revelations while there was when I heard one of our Peruvian Amazonian Shamans say, "When people in the modern world want to know about something they go and read books, take classes, dissect its parts, and do research. They study everything they can about it and in the end . . . .  they still never 'know It', they only know 'about' it because they studied it." In hearing those words, something began to crack open in my heart and my own path to personal healing and transformation began.

I am forever grateful for the wisdom that lives within us all, that is truly ONE with every living thing.

Salud con todos!