Spiral 3 | Water

Introduction to Water Spiral, Flow Practice, NeuroSomatic Concepts

weeks 7 - 11 | June 28 - July 26

week 11 | live call 2020/07/28


Spiral 3 | Weeks 6 & 7: Part 1

Spiral 3 | Weeks 7- 9: Part 2

Spiral 3 | Week 10

Spiral 3 | Week 11


Play by Dr. Stuart Brown**

To lighten your study load, you are not required to read the entire book. Please read, reflect and share as instructed below (*note HW due Aug 1 – see below):

  • Read pp 65-70 and write down below which play personality type you resonate the most with.

  • Read pp 80-103 and down below what you most appreciated learning and one curiosity or question that came up.

HW: Due Aug 1: Post in the FB group your reflections from above.

** While we obviously want to support these authors, we know that some of you are on a tight budget. So, please look for a digital version of this online and if you find a source, then please share in the FB group (like Leah did with “Gaia’s Dance”). It will be tagged under “Resources” in the group.