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The Saraswati Shala
ancient yoni egg practice: mystery, herstory, and honesty
november 11th, 7 - 7:44 PM, MST
Women have used Yoni eggs for centuries, to strengthen their pelvic floor after pregnancy, multiple births, and for sexual trauma. Combined with mantra, breathe, and prayer, women have created a healthy relationship to their bodies, sexuality, sensitivity, manifestations, divinity, connection, and the creation . . . . to Source.
In this talk we will discuss the history and benefits of Yoni eggs, different energies of different stones & their healing properties, proper Yoni egg care, exercises/practices you can use right away, and 2-3 different styles of breathwork to use with or without your egg that will unlock blockages within & without. This will allow for the blank canvas to show itself, so that the creation of YOU, the true you - the happy, focused, blissed out and magnetically alive YOU! - can emerge.
We will also hold space for our intentions on this Taurean Full Moon. Releasing all that no longer serves and making room for the new!
We will end the practice with a small guided meditation along with Q&A.
Cassandra has been immersed in the world of Holistic Health & Mysticism from a very young age. She was burned in a fire at the age of 3 which lead to a life-long journey of healing. While being hospitalized and filled with numerous synthetic medications and ointments, her insides (her physical & emotional body) suffered trauma and health issues. In her teens, she suffered from many reproductive ailments stemming from dairy allergies that lead her to finding healthy, holistic approaches in healing the years of antibiotics, food allergies, and trauma.
Through many years of higher education, self-education, practice, and assisting others, she has found that healing the womb and honoring a woman's moon time through herbs, breath, movement, and mystical practices is the best way to truly step into your highest expression of self and is the most effective and rapid way to heal trauma and ailments in the womb center. She lives her life passionately based on holistic health, is dedicated to sharing her journey and knowledge with women around the globe, and fervently believes, "When a woman heals her womb, she also heals the womb of the Earth."
about the saraswati shala:
The Saraswati Shala happens every Full Moon with events that….
are designed to keep the Beauty Flames LIT, your Goddess Brain SHARP, and to NURTURE the Ohana bonds in our growing NaiAsa Institute community.
take different forms - often including guided breathwork, yoga, flow arts, dance, meditation and lecture. All events will align with our mission to empower individuals & organizations with Somatic Education, Coaching and the Healing Arts.
are open to the public & free-of-charge (for a limited time)! Registration is required (scroll down to register) to receive gathering details, including the virtual video conferencing link.
(Photo: *Hina, Hawaiian Moon Goddess -
Wisdom lives in many forms - the moon, the womb, the cycles of nature, the spirals of our DNA - all of it ultimately there to guide us back home to the wisdom within.
Our upcoming Full Moon is celebrated in the Northern Hemisphere as the Beaver’s Moon (in North America), the Mourning Moon (in the Pagan tradition), the Dark Moon (in Celtic traditions), the White Moon (in China), and the Flower Moon in much of the Southern Hemisphere (source: Lunar Phase Pro).
Some of the goddesses associated with this full moon are Mictecacihuatl (Aztec goddess of death and grieving) and Demeter (Greek goddess of the hare and of the cycle of life and death).
I have not yet discovered the moon “names” in Bali (or if there even are names!), however, life in Bali very much revolves around the lunar cycles. The full moon (called Purnama) in general is the time for celebration and ceremonial gatherings at the temples, whereas, the dark moon is the time for devotion to spiritual practice.
Learn more about the importance of the moon in the Balinese Culture here.
November ushers in powerful numerological as well as astrological influences for the full moon. We will gather in the Saraswati Shala on 11/11. In numerology, this “code” widens the channel to commune with the spiritual realm, and to listen to our intuition with greater ease.
On November 11, the Sun also aligns exactly with Mercury in retrograde. This day signifies the rebirth of Mercury and will be a day to watch when it comes to the themes of this Mercury Retrograde.
This Full Moon dances in the sign of Taurus, thus holding great energy for bringing our goals and dreams into reality. The Taurean moon assists in attracting and manifesting abundance. This moon calls for celebration as you harvest the fruits of all your hard work this year.
Read more here, insights courtesy of Forever Conscious.
What goals and dreams are you willing to embrace under this moon so you can live aligned with your life’s mission? What practices? (could the yoni egg practice support your life’s mission, and if so, how? Whatever your goals, questions, or manifestations are - bring them to the Fire! May they be celebrated through breath, flow & cosmic feminine wisdom.
Look forward to celebrating with you in the Saraswati Shala!
Deep Bow,
Dr. Jinju Dasalla, your Saraswati Shala host
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Instructions with Zoom link will be emailed to you the day of the event.